Mesothelioma Support & Asbestos Awareness Trust
Donation Form
As a registered charity, we rely entirely on donations to support those affected by mesothelioma and to bring greater awareness to the disease and the risk of asbestos.
We appreciate donations of any size!
Thank you for donating to the Mesothelioma Support & Asbestos Awareness Trust!
Donations over $5 are tax deductible for New Zealand taxpayers and will be receipted.
Please fill out the form below with your details, so we can send it to you.
Please transfer your donation amount to our bank account, using your name as a reference.
​Our Banking Details:
Mesothelioma Supp & Asbestos Awareness
How your donations help!
The MSAA Trust is a young charity which has been generously supported by our donors over the last few years. The funding that we have received has been used in the following ways:
To support our mesothelioma communities by holding regional coffee mornings which are free for mesothelioma patients, family and carers.
To raise awareness via events such as:
Our annual Mesothelioma Awareness Event (Global Mesothelioma Awareness Day is on September 26th). -
Presentations at Annual Asbestos Awareness events held by FAMANZ and/or NZDAA.
To provide up-to-date information about asbestos-related diseases for New Zealand communities via our website.
To provide the day-to-day running of our charity - we have one part-time contractor who provides secretarial and treasury support.